500+ Popular Baby Names and Meanings, Boy, and Girl That Start with “R”

500+ Popular Baby Names and Meanings, Boy, and Girl That Start with “R”
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500+ Popular Baby Names and Meanings Are you Looking for the perfect name for your baby? Our list of over 500+ popular baby names starting with the letter (R) offers a wide range of beautiful options for both boys and girls. From timeless classics to unique, modern names, each entry includes its meaning, helping you choose a name that holds special significance. Whether you prefer names that symbolize strength, elegance, or creativity, you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your little one. Explore now!

500+ Popular Baby Names and Meanings R Entries – Boy Names That Start with R

01Rad Red
02Radbert Red haired counselor
03Radbourne Lives by the red stream
04Radburn Lives by the red stream
05Radburt Red haired counselor
06Radbyrne Lives by the red stream
07Radcliff From the red cliff
08Radclyf From the red cliff
09Radeliffe From the red cliff
10Radford From the red ford
11Radley From the red meadow
12Radmund Red haired defender
13Radnor From the red shore
14Radolf Red wolf
15Radolph – Red wolf
16Raed Red
17Raedanoran From the red shore
18Raedburne Lives by the red stream
19Raedclyf From the red cliff
20Raedeman Red haired horseman
21RaedfordFrom the red ford
22Raedleah From the red meadow
23Raedmund Red haired defender
24Raedpath Lives near the red path
25Raedwolf Red wolf
26Rafe Shield wolf
27Raff Red wolf
28Ragnar Strong counselor. Ancient personal name.
29Raleah From the roe deer meadow

Serial no:NameMeaning:
31Raleich Deer’s meadow.
32Raleigh From the roe deer meadow
33Raley From the roe deer meadow
34Ralf Red wolf
35Rally From the roe deer meadow
36Ralph Red wolf
37Ralston Ralph’s town Surname.
38Ram Ram
39Ramm Ram
40Ramsay From Ram’s island
41Ramsden From the ram’s valley
42Ramsey Ram’s island.
43Ramzey Ram’s island.
44RamziRam’s island.
45Rand Variants of Randolph Wolf’s shield. Surname.
46Randal Shield wolf Variant of Randolph
47Randale Variants of Randolph Wolf’s shield. Surname.
48Randall Variants of Randolph Wolf’s shield. Surname.
49Randel Variants of Randolph Wolf’s shield. Surname.
50Randell Variants of Randolph Wolf’s shield. Surname.
51Randkin Little shield
52Randolph House wolf: protector. Mythological wolf was esteemed for courage.
53Randon Variants of Randolph Wolf’s shield. Surname.
54Randson Son of Rand
55Randy Diminutive of Randolph. House wolf: protector. Mythological wolf was esteemed for courage.
56Rane Strong counselor. From the ancient personal name Ragnar.
57Ranell Strong counselor. From the ancient personal name Ragnar.
58Ranfield From the raven’s field
59Rang Raven
60Rangey From raven’s island

Serial no:Name:Meaning:
61Rangford From the raven’s ford
62Rangley From the raven’s meadow
63Rangy From raven’s island
67RankinLittle shield
68Ransom Son of Rand
69RapereMaker of rope
70Raven Raven
71RawgonSon of Rawley or Raleigh
72Rawiella From the deer spring
73Rawley From the roe deer meadow
74RawlingSon of Rawley or Raleigh
75Rawls Son of Rawley or Raleigh
76Ray Counselor. Abbreviation of Raymond.
77Rayce Counselor. Variant of Raymond.
78Rayder Counselor. Variant of Raymond.
79Raydon Counselor. Variant of Raymond.
80Rayford Counselor. Variant of Raymond.
81Rayhourne From the deer’s stream
82Rayhurn From the deer’s stream
83Raylen Counselor. Variant of Raymond.
84Rayne Strong counselor. From the ancient personal name Ragnar.
85Raynell Counselor. Variant of Raymond.
86Rayner Strong counselor. From the ancient personal name Ragnar.
87Raynor Strong counselor. From the ancient personal name Ragnar.
89Raynord Strong counselor. From the ancient personal name Ragnar.
90Read Red haired

Serial no:Name:Meaning:
91Reade Redheaded. Surname.
92Reading Son of Reed
93Readman Red haired counselor
94Reave Steward
95Reaves Son of Reeve
96Redamann Red haired counselor
97Redd Redheaded. Surname.
98Redding Son of Reed
99Redford From the reedy ford. Old English surname.
100Redley From the red meadow
101Redman Red haired counselor
102Redmond Red haired defender
103Redmund Red haired defender
104Redwald Strong counsel
105Remington From the raven farm. TV detective character Renington Steele. Surname
106Reece Ardent: fiery.
107Reed Redheaded. Surname.
108Reeford Surname. The medieval castle or landholding reeve oversaw all feudal obligations.
109Reese Ardent: fiery.
110Reeve Steward
111Reeves Son of Reeve. Surname. The medieval castle or landholding reeve oversaw all feudal obligations.
112Regenfrithu Peaceful raven
113Regenweald Strong
114Reggie Counselor-ruler. Abbreviation of Reginald.
115Reginald Strong Counselor-ruler. Form of Reynold.
116Reid Red haired
117Remi Abbreviation of Remington.
118Remo .Abbreviation of Remington.
119Remy Abbreviation of Remington.
120Ren Raven

Serial no:Name:Meaning:
120Rendall Variants of Randolph Wolf’s shield. Surname.
122RendellVariants of Randolph Wolf’s shield. Surname.
123Renfield From the raven’s field
124Renfred Peaceful raven
125Renshaw From the raven forest
126Renfrid Peaceful raven
127Renton From the raven farm
128ReodRuddy colored
129Reve Steward
130Rexford Variant of Rex chieftain: ruler. Surname.
131Rexley From the king’s meadow
132Rexlord From the king’s ford
133RextonVariant of Rex chieftain: ruler. Surname.
134Reyhurn From the deer’s stream
135Reynald – Counselor-ruler.
136Reynold Counselor-ruler.
137Rhodes Lives near the crucifix
138Ricadene Lives in the ruler
139Rich Wealthy
140Richard Strong ruler
141Richman Powerful
142Rick Abbreviation of Richard powerful: strong ruler.
143Rickard Variant of Richard powerful: strong ruler.
144Ricker Strong army
145Rickey Abbreviation of Richard powerful: strong ruler.
146Rickie Abbreviation of Richard powerful: strong ruler.
147Rickman Powerful
148Rickward Strong guardian
149Ricky Abbreviation of Richard powerful: strong ruler.
150Ricman Powerful

Serial no:Name:Meaning:
151RicweardStrong guardian
152Rider Knight
153Ridere Knight
154Ridge From the ridge
155Ridgeiey Lives at the meadow’s ridge
156Ridgely Lives at the meadow’s ridge
157Ridley From the red meadow
158Ridpath Lives near the red path
159Rigby Lives in the ruler
160Rigg Lives near the ridge
161Riggs Son of Rigg
162Rikkard Strong ruler
163Rikward Strong guardian
164Riley Valliant. Rye. Form of Ryley.
165Ring Ring
166Ripley – From the shouter’s meadow
167Risley From the brushwood meadow
168Riston From the brushwood farm
169Roan From the rowan tree
170Rob Abbreviation of Robert Famed: bright: shining.
171Robb Abbreviation of Robert Famed: bright: shining.
172Robbie Abbreviation of Robert Famed: bright: shining.
173Robbin Famed: bright: shining Form of Robert popular since the medieval days of Robin Hood. Robinson: (English) Son of Robert Famed: bright: shining. Surname.
174Robby Abbreviation of Robert Famed: bright: shining.
175Robert Famed: bright: shining. An all-time favorite boys name since the Middle Ages.
176Robertson Son of Robert Famed: bright: shining. Surname.
177Robin Famed: bright: shining Form of Robert popular since the medieval days of Robin Hood. Robinson: (English) Son of Robert Famed: bright: shining. Surname.
178Rock rock
179Rockford rock
180Rockland rock.

Serial no:Name:Meaning:
181Rockwell rock
182Rocky rock
183Rod Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
184Rodd Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
185Roddric Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
186Roddrick Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
187Roddy Variant of Roderick famous ruler.
188Roderic Famous ruler.
189Roderick Famous ruler.
190Roderik Famous ruler.
191Rodes Lives near the crucifix
192Rodman Lives by the road Guard wisely.
193Rodney Island of reeds.
194Rodwell Lives by the spring near the road
195Roe Deer
196Roger Renowned spearman. Rogelio: (Spanish) Renowned spearman.
197Roland Renowned in the land. Roland was a legendary hero who served Charlemagne.
198RolandoRenowned in the land. Roland was a legendary hero who served Charlemagne.
199Rolf Red wolf
200Rolfe Red wolf
201Rollan Renowned in the land. Roland was a legendary hero who served Charlemagne.
202RollandRenowned in the land. Roland was a legendary hero who served Charlemagne.
203RollieRenowned in the land. Roland was a legendary hero who served Charlemagne.
204Rollo Renowned in the land. Roland was a legendary hero who served Charlemagne.
205RomneyFrom Romney
206Ron Rules with counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold.
207Ronal Rules with counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold.
208Ronald Powerful: Rules with counsel. Form of Reynold.
209Ronell Rules with counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold.
210Ronn Rules with counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold.

Serial No:Name:Meaning:
211Ronnell – Rules with counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold.
212Ronnie Rules with counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold.
213RonnyRules with counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold.
214Ronson Son of Ronald
215Rook Raven
216Roper Maker of rope
217Rosco Heathland of the roe deer.
218Roscoe Heathland of the roe deer.
219Rover Wanderer
220Rovere Wanderer
221Row Deer
222Rowan From the rowan tree
223Rowdy – Boisterous. Western nickname.
224Rowell From the deer spring
225Rowland Renowned in the land. Roland was a legendary hero who served Charlemagne.
226Rowley From the rough meadow
227Roxbury From the raven’s fortress
228Royce Royal
229Royden From the royal hill
230Royse Royal
231Ruck Raven
232RuddRuddy colored
233Ruddy Ruddy colored
234Rudy Abbreviation of Rudolph.
235Rudyard From the rough enclosure
236Rufford From the red ford
237Ruford From the red ford
238Rugby From the raven’s estate
239Ruhdugeard From the rough enclosure
240RuhleahFrom the rough meadow

Serial No:Name:Meaning:
241Rumford From the wide ford
242Rune A rune
243Rush Form of Rufus Red-haired.
244Rushford Lives near the rush ford
245Russ Form of Rufus Red-haired.
246RusselForm of Rufus Red-haired.
247Russell Form of Rufus Red-haired.
248Rusty Nickname for a red-haired person.
249RutherfordFrom the cattle ford
250Rutledge From the red pool
251Rutley From the root meadow
252Rycroft From the rye field
253Rydder Knight
254Ryder Knight
255Rydge From the ridge
256Rye Island meadow.
257Rygecroft From the rye field
258Rygeland From the rye land
259Rygemann Rye merchant
260Ryker Fast Strider
261Rylan Island meadow.
262Ryland From the rye land Island meadow.
263Rylee English Meadow. Variant of Riley.
264Ryleigh Island meadow.
265Ryley Island meadow.
266Ryman Rye merchant
267Rysc Rush
268Ryscford Lives near the rush ford
269Ryton Rygetun – from the rye farm
270Ralph Variant of Randolph

Serial No:Name:Meaning:
271Ramsey Island of Ravens
272Randolph Strong Shield
273Raymond Wise Guardian
274Reginald Power
277Rhett Stream
278Richard Powerful Ruler
279Ridley Residence Name
280Riley Valiant
281Robert, RobinBright Fame
282Roderick Famous Ruler
283Rodney Famous
284Roger Famous Warrior
285Roland Fame of the Land
286Rolf Wolf
287Ronald Of Mighty Power
288Rory Red King
289Ross Wood
290Roswell Mighty Steed
291Roy King
292Royce Son of Roy, Kingly
293Rufus Red-Haired
294Rupert Of Shining Fame
295Russell Red
296Ryan Variant of Bryan

R Entries – Girl Names That Start with R

Serial No:Name:Meaning:
301Ra Doe
302Radella Elfin counselor
303Rae Doe
304Raedself Elfin counselor
305Raven Dark haired or wise
306RavynDark haired or wise
307Reylynn Unknown
308RicardaStrong ruler
310Rillette Stream
311Rilynn Variant of Ryland.
313Robertia Famous
315RamonaWise Protectress
316Rebecca Faithful One, Bound
317Regina Queenly
318Renata, Renee – Born Again
319Rhea Earth
320Rhoda A Rose
321Rita A Pearl
322Roberta Famous
323Robin Feminine of Robert
324Rosa A Rose
325Rose, RosalieRose
326Rosalind Fair Rose
327Rosanne Rose of Grace
328Rosemary Dew of the Sea
329Rowena White Mane
330Roxanne Dawn
Ruby Red Jewel
Ruth Friend to All

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